Dear Friends,

Here are the conclusions from the local input which are now presented to the United States Bishops and which will then be sent to Rome in preparation for the Synod on the Church:

I.             Focus on Encountering Christ in Prayer and the Word of God

Six years ago, the archdiocese implemented the following pastoral vision, “One Church: Encountering Christ, Equipping Disciples, Living Mercy.” The diocesan phase of the synod confirmed that this pastoral vision still very much resonates with the people in the archdiocese. It is evident that “Encountering Christ” is the greatest need within the pastoral vision.

Many respondents seem to have answered the synod questions through the lens of their political/cultural views instead of Jesus being their focal point. The political/cultural viewpoint illustrates a need for people to know Jesus more personally, and so for a greater focus by the local Church on prayer and scripture in conjunction with the national Eucharistic revival.

The rest of the archdiocesan pastoral vision then flows from this encounter with Christ. A closer relationship with Jesus brings about a greater desire to be His disciple and live mercy. If a person has not personally encountered Christ, it is impossible to participate fully in the Church’s mission to invite others to encounter Him. When we grow spiritually in unity with Jesus, we grow more in unity with each other, and our divisions are healed.

II.           Greater Outreach to the Peripheries and the Elderly

Hearing from so many on the peripheries, such as immigrants, persons with disabilities, and the incarcerated, about their great thirst for faith makes it clear that more outreach is necessary to meet the spiritual needs of the poor and vulnerable among us.

III.          Places of Welcome

After hearing from those who voice feeling unwelcome by the Catholic Church for a variety of reasons (being homeless, large parish, LGBTQ+), it is clear that the Lord is inviting the archdiocese to grow in being places of welcome. The challenge will be to find ways to do so while at the same time remaining true to the teachings of the Church.

IV.          Increase Vocation Outreach to Hispanics

Approximately 20% of the people in our archdiocese are native Spanish speakers. Still, we have very few native Spanish-speaking seminarians. The archdiocese needs to increase its outreach to native Spanish- speaking young men.

Please continue to reflect on this summary. More than that, please consider how you will join us as we continue to shape our local parish around the deep call of Jesus to be a disciple of his.


Fr. Damian