Dear Friends,

Every time we profess our belief in a Triune God we hold up the truth that God, in God’s self, is relational. It is a love relationship between Father, Son and Spirit. The wonder of that love calls forth the rest of creation. God loved us so much that we are created in God’s own image – we, too, are relational. Though sin separated us from God and fractured our relationships with one another, Jesus came to restore the relationship with God and with one another. God remains relentless in seeking relationship with you.

As a result of who God is and how we are created, there are several disciple relationships we should have in order to live the life that God desires for us.

The first and widest relationship is with the universal Church – Catholic, in the deepest sense of the term. As a child of God, we have millions of brothers and sisters. There is a deep unity that occurs when fellow believers walk in the Spirit. There are no strangers in the Body of Christ, just siblings that we have not met yet. Those of you who have traveled world-wide know the joy of attending Mass in other languages and other cultures. Even though we may not understand every word, we do understand the Mass and receive Eucharist as we encounter and meet siblings. This world-wide Church brings us ancient practices and truths. It helps free us from mistakes and keeps us on the path of Jesus.

The next level of disciple relationships is a local group of disciples that we refer to as our home parish. Jesus’ mission has a local Church as part of its structure. It is the local group of people that God has brought together to make the Kingdom present in a particular people and neighborhood. Your local parish is your team. Together you worship God. Together you learn the teaching of Jesus. Together you serve those in need in ways you could never do alone. The local parish reminds us that the work of Jesus is not about me, but, with others, is about seeking and building God’s Kingdom.

From the time of the Apostles until now, disciples have formed a smaller group of fellow believers to share their journey. These have been known by different names – house churches, comunidades de base, small faith-sharing groups – and locally we are forming “Cabrini Communities”. The smaller group gets to know each other on a more intimate level. This is where we share and talk about God’s word and help each other apply it. This where we gently call each other away from sin and into a deeper relationship with God. This is where we share food, drink, laughter and tears. Here we find the authenticity and transparency needed to grow deeper in relationship with God.

The last area I would like to draw your attention to is one-to-one discipleship. This is that one individual or two that you have found who shares your life and your dreams. Every Christian should have someone they know well, who can see their strengths and weaknesses, who can lovingly challenge and encourage them. Often times this is your spouse, but it can also be a good friend who is willing to be with you for the long haul. This individual shapes us and shows us both our faults and our virtues. They reveal to us the presence of Christ.

If we are to be healthy in our growth in discipleship, then we should seek to have activity at each level of disciple relationships. How are you doing? How can we help you make it better? Share your input. Remember, God is relentlessly seeking a relationship with you. Our challenge is to seek a relationship with God in return.


Fr. Damian