Pastor’s Letter 8.6.23

Pastor’s Letter 8.6.23

Dear Friends, This weekend our parish joins with the Santa Lucia Festival Committee in celebrating a 99-year tradition in the Sicilian community in Omaha. The Festival is once again on our doorstep which makes it so much easier to participate in the fun and the music....
Pastor’s Letter 7.30.23

Pastor’s Letter 7.30.23

Dear Friends, One of the books that has been on my “reading pile” of books this past year was one written by the German Lutheran pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer entitled Life Together. It was recommended by a friend of mine who said that the book taught him more about the...
Pastor’s Letter 7.23.23

Pastor’s Letter 7.23.23

Dear Friends, This weekend, we have our yearly Mission Co-Op preacher. As we mentioned last week, Fr. Kwangkyu, a Columban Missionary, will be presiding and preaching at all the Masses. He is from Korea and has been doing mission work in the Philippines. I hope you...
Pastor’s Letter 7.16.23

Pastor’s Letter 7.16.23

Dear Friends, I love summer in the Midwest. I love long days and warm sun on my face. I love the sunlight waking me up in the morning. I love a schedule that is not so rushed, where I can pause and enjoy the moment at hand. I suppose if I had the pleasures of this...
Pastor’s Letter 7.9.23

Pastor’s Letter 7.9.23

Dear Friends, During a recent spiritual direction session with a young man, he said he was having a hard time hearing the voice of God and knowing what God wanted him to do. Part of the problem arises from the reality that he does not spend any time in quiet with God....
Pastor’s Letter 7.2.23

Pastor’s Letter 7.2.23

Dear Friends, You might recall that our parish participated in the listening process for the World-Wide Synod to take place in Rome over the next two years. Our results were sent to the Chancery where the Archbishop’s staff compiled all the input from parishes sending...