Pastor’s Letter 2.5.23

Pastor’s Letter 2.5.23

Dear Friends, You may be aware from the news that Pope Francis has been visiting the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan this past week. I am sure this has been a very important moment for the parishioners we have from South Sudan and for the students at...
Pastor’s Letter 1.29.23

Pastor’s Letter 1.29.23

Dear Friends, I am excited to say that we are ready to start a new season of watching The Chosen together as a parish and to share the experience with Fireside Chats via Zoom. We did this for the first two seasons of The Chosen and on February 7th we will begin...
Pastor’s Letter 1.22.23

Pastor’s Letter 1.22.23

Dear Friends, At the Papal Audience this week, Pope Francis gave a reflection on evangelization. This is one of the things we talk about at Cabrini on a regular basis since sharing the Good News with others is an essential part of being a disciple of Jesus. The...
Pastor’s Letter 1.15.23

Pastor’s Letter 1.15.23

Dear Friends, In 1994, the most blatant example of genocide since World War II was committed over a hundred-day period before the eyes of the world. Members of the Hutu tribe slaughtered between 800,000 and one million of their Tutsi neighbors, people with whom they...
Pastor’s Letter 1.8.23

Pastor’s Letter 1.8.23

Dear Friends, The Catholic Church celebrated the funeral for Pope Benedict this past week. Since he was retired and not active as the pontiff at the time of his death, the event drew attention but not as one would expect for the funeral of a reigning pope. Perhaps you...
Pastor’s Letter 1.1.23

Pastor’s Letter 1.1.23

Dear Friends, Happy New Year! Have you made any resolutions for the new year? This is the time to do it. However, I am not sure if most of us ever do any more than simply preparing a resolution or two. How many of us actually follow through on the resolution? I know...