Pastor’s Letter 3.6.22

Pastor’s Letter 3.6.22

Dear Friends, As I mentioned in the Ash Wednesday homily, the world this year is giving us a very clear demonstration of the consequences of evil actions. All we have to do is look on our phones or our televisions to see the consequences of evil in the invasion of...
Pastor’s Letter 2.27.22

Pastor’s Letter 2.27.22

Dear Friends, Lent begins on Wednesday! Ready or not, this amazing liturgical season is here! You should have all received a flyer from us with our Lenten offerings to help you live your Lent better. Hopefully, you are aware that we are launching Cabrini Communities...
Pastor’s Letter 2.13.22

Pastor’s Letter 2.13.22

Dear Friends, Some of you have been asking me what will be our topics for reflection and discussion in the Cabrini Community. To be honest, we have just started putting together the ideas for reflection so we do not know what the topic will be a year from now....
Pastor’s Letter 2.13.22

Pastor’s Letter 2.6.22

Dear Friends, Every time we profess our belief in a Triune God we hold up the truth that God, in God’s self, is relational. It is a love relationship between Father, Son and Spirit. The wonder of that love calls forth the rest of creation. God loved us so much that we...
Cabrini Communities

Cabrini Communities

Dear Friends, When Jesus called his disciples, he would say to them, “Follow me”. In doing so Jesus was inviting them to be part of his journey, a journey that involves a transformation both inward and outward. Jesus is still calling people to follow him. Through our...