Pastor’s Letter 7.3.22

Pastor’s Letter 7.3.22

Dear Friends, Having recently returned from vacation, I am very aware of how much stuff I packed and took with me on the journey. I take pride in the fact that I strive to travel light. I check all the bags when I get home to make sure that I did not carry anything...
Pastor’s Letter 6.26.22

Pastor’s Letter 6.26.22

Dear Friends, Thanks for all your prayers during my recent trip to Great Britain with my niece and nephew. We had a wonderful trip with good transportation, great weather and plenty to see and do. I am sure your prayers helped to make the whole experience a blessing....
Pastor’s Letter 6.19.22

Pastor’s Letter 6.19.22

Dear Friends, I will be returning from vacation soon. On this Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, I give you a homily  from Pope Francis to reflect on that he gave on this feast: “…It is vital to remember the good we have received. If we do not remember it, we...
Pastor’s Letter 6.12.22

Pastor’s Letter 6.12.22

Dear Friends, I am on vacation this week with a niece and a nephew. I continue to keep you in my prayers each day! You have our annual Mission Co-op presentation at the Sunday Masses. I am sure you will welcome Fr. Loughran with open arms and a generous pocketbook....
Pastor’s Letter 6.5.22

Pastor’s Letter 6.5.22

Dear Friends, On this Pentecost Sunday, I’d like to offer you a bit of esoteric information that I learned long ago in some scripture class. As you read it, you may want to encourage me to keep all such pieces of esoteric information where it belongs – lost in the...
Pastor’s Letter 5.29.22

Pastor’s Letter 5.29.22

Dear Friends, Once again, our country is faced with a tragic and senseless act of violence against children. Tears and prayer seem to be the only proper response. However, as teachers, parents and grandparents we need to have some kind of answer when children ask...