Pastor’s Letter 2.28.21

Pastor’s Letter 2.28.21

Dear Friends, I blame my faulty memory on many things – age, brain cells nearing capacity, too much new input coming in too quickly – perhaps you have some creative excuses that I could use. Memory is not logical or rational. Most of what is in our...
Pastor’s Letter 2.21.21

Pastor’s Letter 2.21.21

Dear Friends, The First Sunday of Lent each year has us with Jesus in the desert being tempted by Satan. The version we hear this year from Mark is quite short and does not go into the details of Satan’s clever three-part temptations and how Jesus responded to each....
Pastor’s Letter 2.14.21

Pastor’s Letter 2.14.21

Dear Friends, Our Lenten journey begins Wednesday. The Cabrini Liturgy Committee decided to build our Lenten theme from the Gospel of the First Sunday: similar to Jesus, we are led by the Spirit into a Lenten desert of challenge and emptiness where we are invited to...
Pastor’s Letter 2.7.21

Pastor’s Letter 2.7.21

Dear Friends, The vaccine for Covid is slowly being rolled out to people. Hopefully by summer, most people who are at risk will have received the vaccine. If that proves to be the case, then we will be able to return to celebration of the Sunday liturgy in person. At...
Pastor’s Letter 1.31.21

Pastor’s Letter 1.31.21

Dear Friends, This past fall, Pope Francis issued an encyclical on human relationships, our responsibilities for one another and for our world.  In that encyclical he made official a church teaching that was strongly promoted by Pope John Paul II and Pope...
Pastor’s Letter 1.24.21

Pastor’s Letter 1.24.21

Dear Friends, Let me continue our discussion from last week on the Sacrament of the Sick. We will now be offering theSacrament at the 11:00 Mass on the last Sunday of every month. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is one of the ways Jesus assists us in life...