Pastor’s Letter 2.18.24

Pastor’s Letter 2.18.24

Dear Friends, I am sorry to miss the first Sunday of Lent with you, but I am in Guatemala for a planning meeting with the Leadership Team from Huehuetenango to plan this summer’s trip and to work on some long-range planning goals. I wish I could be in two places at...
Pastor’s Letter 2.11.24

Pastor’s Letter 2.11.24

Dear Friends, Pope Francis wrote a letter to you about Lent. You can read the whole thing at the Vatican website, but Ithought I would highlight a few paragraphs for you: When our God reveals himself, his message is always one of freedom: “I am the Lord your God,...
Pastor’s Letter 2.4.24

Pastor’s Letter 2.4.24

Dear Friends, For the past couple of months, you have heard testimony from many of your fellow parishioners about their experience as a member of a Cabrini Community. I trust you’ve enjoyed the variety of stories that were shared within the common framework of a...
Pastor’s Letter 1.28.24

Pastor’s Letter 1.28.24

Dear Friends, On Monday of this past week, the Church in the United States had its annual day of prayer for the legal protection of unborn children. With the overturning of Roe v. Wade two years ago we might think that concern for unborn children is no longer an issue...
Pastor’s Letter 1.21.24

Pastor’s Letter 1.21.24

Dear Friends, One of my vacation pleasures (this can happen when I am snowed in as well) is to enjoy a good novel or an insightful book. I save my reading of challenging theology for work days when I expect my mind to get tired, not for times when I am on vacation...
Pastor’s Letter 1.14.24

Pastor’s Letter 1.14.24

Dear Friends, I returned this week from a vacation on the island of Ambergris off the coast of Belize. The group I traveled with enjoy fishing and appreciate the care for the environment that the local officials have put into preserving fishing for long into the...