Pastor’s Letter 8.25.19

Pastor’s Letter 8.25.19

Dear Friends, It seems like not a day goes by when there is not some discussion of immigration in the news. There is even an attitude developing now in Washington to make legal immigration more difficult. By any assessment, the current system of immigration in this...
Pastor’s Letter 8.18.19

Pastor’s Letter 8.18.19

Dear Friends, Last week, our parish leadership team attended the Global Leadership Summit, a national video conference highlighting leaders and teaching others to do likewise. The Archdiocese hosted the local viewing at Creighton. One of the points made at the...
Pastor’s Letter 8.11.19

Pastor’s Letter 8.11.19

Dear Friends, As a child, I knew that once the locusts starting singing in the evenings that the new school year was not far away. I heard them a few weeks ago when I was sitting out on the front porch and those memories came rushing back. And, sure enough, school is...
Pastor’s Letter 8.4.19

Pastor’s Letter 8.4.19

Dear Friends, Today’s Sunday gospel is not an easy one for our culture. The judgement of Jesus on the man who stored up treasure for himself is not one that middle class and wealthy Americans can rejoice in. “God said to him, ‘You fool, this night your life will be...
Pastor’s Letter 7.28.19

Pastor’s Letter 7.28.19

Dear Friends, One of the tasks of every Catholic and every Catholic parish is to reach out to those who do not know Jesus and invite them into a relationship with the God who loves them. This work has always been called evangelization, which simply means, “telling the...
Pastor’s Letter 7.21.19

Pastor’s Letter 7.21.19

Dear Friends, The first reading and gospel for this Sunday give us examples of hospitality and invite us to reflect upon our own approach to hospitality. People who have gone on our IXIM mission trips to Guatemala often remark that we could learn a lot from people of...