Pastor’s Letter 12.30.18

Pastor’s Letter 12.30.18

Dear Friends, The busyness of Christmas may be slowing down for you or perhaps, with the need to meet up with all the members of the family, it may still be going on this weekend and into January. People might think that it used to be more peaceful during the...
Pastor’s Letter 12.23.18

Pastor’s Letter 12.23.18

Dear Friends, I was sitting at a restaurant recently with a friend and she noticed the book I had with me. She commented on the title of the book, “How To Be Unlucky,” and asked if that was really the name of the book, and wondered why I would be reading it. I...
Pastor’s Letter 12.16.18

Pastor’s Letter 12.16.18

Dear Friends, I enjoyed the recent brouhaha over the Elkhorn Grade School Principal who banned certain activities and symbols during this season because they were too overtly religious. The news story said, “Banned items listed included Santas, Christmas trees, “Elf...
Pastor’s Letter 12.9.18

Pastor’s Letter 12.9.18

Dear Friends, These may be hard days for you to admit to your friends that you are an active member of a Catholic parish. You may find yourself ducking the religion questions at gatherings of co-workers so that you do not have to defend what seems indefensible. The...
Pastor’s Letter 12.2.18

Pastor’s Letter 12.2.18

Dear Friends, Welcome to Advent. “Advent” comes from the Latin word that means “coming.” It is far more than a countdown to Christmas. Advent is a season of preparation for the coming of Christ—first and second comings. It reminds us of the great gift of the...
Pastor’s Letter 11.25.18

Pastor’s Letter 11.25.18

Dear Friends, I returned from my annual retreat just in time to join many of you at the Priests Concert on Tuesday evening at the Holland Center. Such great entertainers and what wonderful talent! If you went, I know you had a great evening and it made lots of money...