Pastor’s Letter 4.8.18

Pastor’s Letter 4.8.18

Dear Friends, In the eyes of the Church, Easter continues on! Not satisfied with one day, we celebrate Easter for 50 days! The Easter season ends on Pentecost…fifty days from Easter. To honor that reality and as we celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday, I’d like to give you a...
Pastor’s Easter Letter 4.1.18

Pastor’s Easter Letter 4.1.18

Dear Friends, This Easter I have had some odd memories from my childhood. Not of Easter egg hunts, but of the old-fashioned westerns that were common fare on television when I was young. In many of the old westerns, the hero comes into a village, does the good that...
Pastor’s Letter 3.25.18

Pastor’s Letter 3.25.18

Dear Friends, Our Lenten Journey has reached its end and the celebration of Holy Week is upon us. I hope you find time this week to join us in the liturgies as we remember the great events of the life of Jesus. I think the liturgies of this week help us to understand...
Pastor’s Letter 3.18.18

Pastor’s Letter 3.18.18

Dear Friends, What an incredible week we just finished! I am sure that those of you who had the opportunity to attend the Lenten Mission with ValLimar Jansen found your faith-life stimulated, challenged and filled with joy. Her powerful singing voice and acting...
Pastor’s Letter 3.11.18

Pastor’s Letter 3.11.18

Dear Friends, I hope you can join us for the Parish Lenten Mission being presented by ValLimar Jansen. I am sure you will not only learn, but you will have a chance to pray and to celebrate all that God is and does for you. And, it will be enjoyable. The enjoyable...
Pastor’s Letter 3.4.18

Pastor’s Letter 3.4.18

Dear Friends, Next weekend, St. Frances Cabrini Parish is having a Lenten Parish Mission!! Years ago, this type of event would have brought in Redemptorist, Dominican, or Jesuit preachers to speak each night at the parish for a week with the goal of challenging people...