Pastor’s Letter 6.4.17

Pastor’s Letter 6.4.17

Dear Friends, For many years now, the Archdiocese has been celebrating priestly ordinations on the first Saturday in June. Thirty-six years ago, my four classmates and I lay on the floor of the Cathedral awaiting the laying on hands and the imposition of the holy oil...
Pastor’s Letter 5.28.17

Pastor’s Letter 5.28.17

Dear Friends, Our nation pauses to remember this weekend those who died in service to country. Over the years, this weekend has expanded to be a cultural time for remembering all of our loved ones who have died, not just those who served in the military. My mother...
Pastor’s Letter 5.21.17

Pastor’s Letter 5.21.17

Dear Friends, Graduations are happening all around us. College graduations are almost complete, high school events are happening and our own eighth graders will celebrate their graduation on Monday evening. It is an exciting time of year for our young people. One step...
Pastor’s Letter 5.14.17

Pastor’s Letter 5.14.17

Dear Friends, As we celebrate Mother’s Day this weekend, I thought I would share with you a reflection written by a friend of mine, Susan Naatz, who works at Creighton University. It looks at the importance of family and memories: Following our father’s death in 2009,...
Pastor’s Letter 5.7.17

Pastor’s Letter 5.7.17

Dear Friends, Last Sunday the Church celebrated the feast of Divine Mercy and this Sunday that of the Good Shepherd. The Church gives us these wonderful images during the Easter Season to help us better understand the amazing gift we have received through Jesus’ death...
Pastor’s Letter 4.20.17

Pastor’s Letter 4.20.17

Dear Friends, In 1988, I went on my first thirty-day retreat. It was a silent retreat using the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola. It took place at the Eastern Point Retreat House in Gloucester, Massachusetts. The first week — though it can be much longer — looks...