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Mass the 3rd Sunday of Lent 3.7.21
Mass 2nd Sunday of Lent 2.28.21
Welcome to Mass at St. Frances Cabrini. Our celebrant today is Fr. Damian Zuerlein.
Mass the 1st Sunday of Lent 2.21.21
Welcome to Mass at St. Frances Cabrini, the First Sunday of Lent. Our celebrant today is Fr. Damian Zuerlein. Homily delivered by Deacon Doug Lenz.
Top Feature Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross
6pm Fridays during Lent. Silent prayer with the Blessed Sacrament 5-6pm.
Mass the 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2.14.21
Mass the 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2.7.21
Welcome to Sunday mass at St. Frances Cabrini. Our celebrant today is Fr. Damian Zuerlein
Mass the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary time 1.30.21
Welcome to mass at St. Frances Cabrini. Our celebrant is Fr. Damian Zuerlein.
Mass the Third Sunday in Ordinary time 1.24.21
Welcome to mass at St. Frances Cabrini in Omaha, Nebraska. Our celebrant is Fr. Damian Zuerlein.
Fireside Chat 1.27.21
Welcome to the final week of our discussion of the book I Heard God Laugh.
Mass the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 1.17.21
Welcome to the celebration of the eucharist. Our celebrant is Fr. Damian Zuerlein.
Solemnity of Mary Mass 12.31.20
Welcome to the celebration of the mass celebrating the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God. Our celebrant is Fr. Damian Zuerlein.