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Mass the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time 6.9.24 (Cycle B)
Mass The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ 6.2.24 (Cycle B)
Mass Sunday The Most Holy Trinity 5.26.24 (Cycle B)
Mass Pentecost Sunday 5.19.24 (Cycle B)
Mass the 7th Sunday of Easter 5.12.24 (Cycle B)
Mass the 6th Sunday of Easter 5.5.24 (Cycle B)
Mass the 5th Sunday of Easter 4.28.24 (Cycle B)
Mass the 4th Sunday of Easter 4.21.24 (Cycle B)
Mass the 3rd Sunday of Easter 4.14.24 (Cycle B)
Mass the 2nd Sunday of Easter 4.7.24 (Cycle B)
Mass Easter Sunday 3.31.24
John 20: 1-9 On the first day of the week,Mary of Magdala came to the tomb early in the morning,while it was still dark,and saw the stone removed from the tomb.So she ran and went to Simon Peterand to the other...