Weekly insight and thoughts from Fr. Damian Zuerlein

Pastor’s Letter 5.22.22

Pastor’s Letter 5.22.22

Dear Friends, This time of year, there are graduation parties happening everywhere. I am sorry I cannot be at all of them. Regardless, it is a blessing for me to see how far young people have come in just a few years of schooling. They give me such hope. This is also...

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Pastor’s Letter 5.8.22

Pastor’s Letter 5.8.22

Dear Friends, This weekend we celebrate Mother’s Day. I want to begin by saying thank you to all the women who have accepted the responsibility of caring for children. It is such an important task. We all bear a debt to you. The gratitude children offer this weekend...

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Pastor’s Letter 5.1.22

Pastor’s Letter 5.1.22

Dear Friends, Last Friday evening, I sat next to a young couple at a wedding rehearsal dinner. They were friends of the bride and groom and had recently been married themselves. They had just driven in from their home in Wyoming and brought with them their six-month...

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Pastor’s Letter 4.24.22

Pastor’s Letter 4.24.22

Dear Friends, The question of doubt often comes up from younger members of the Church. Many of their friends no longer believe in God and certainly do not believe in Jesus. Sometimes, they find themselves having feelings of doubt when they hear the arguments of their...

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Pastor’s Letter 4.17.22

Pastor’s Letter 4.17.22

Dear Friends, As an Easter letter this year I give you parts of a reflection written and published by Dorothy Sayers in 1938 in which she addresses the age-old problem of why God allows people to hurt each other. I wish there was space here to reproduce the whole...

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Pastor’s Letter 4.10.22

Pastor’s Letter 4.10.22

Dear Friends, My first trip to Israel happened in 2001 while the second Intifada was happening, which made tourists in the Holy Land almost non-existent. I spent that Good Friday afternoon sitting and praying in the courtyard of Caiaphas’ house all by myself. On that...

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Pastor’s Letter 4.3.22

Pastor’s Letter 4.3.22

Dear Friends, We have a beautiful scene in today’s gospel of Jesus setting free a woman caught in adultery. From that, it would make sense to do a reflection on forgiveness. However, I was asked a question the other day and I thought I would try to blubber forth some...

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Pastor’s Letter 3.27.22

Pastor’s Letter 3.27.22

Dear Friends, Our gospel today gives us the grace-filled story of what has come to be called “The Prodigal Son”. It comes to us in our Lenten Journey on Laetare Sunday, a day in the midst of Lent when we are invited to “Rejoice!”. The word Laetare comes from the...

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Pastor’s Letter 3.20.22

Pastor’s Letter 3.20.22

Dear Friends, We are taking up a second collection today for the people of Ukraine who are suffering such profound loss. The collection is being taken up by the United States Catholic Bishops. One great sadness I have felt with this war is, just like the two prior...

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Pastor’s Letter 3.13.22

Pastor’s Letter 3.13.22

Dear Friends, I hope you will join me on Sunday and Monday evening at 7:00 for our Cabrini Lenten Mission here at the church with Steve Angrisano. He is widely known in the Omaha area and is a popular Christian speaker. Come and join your fellow parishioners for two...

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Pastor’s Letter 3.6.22

Pastor’s Letter 3.6.22

Dear Friends, As I mentioned in the Ash Wednesday homily, the world this year is giving us a very clear demonstration of the consequences of evil actions. All we have to do is look on our phones or our televisions to see the consequences of evil in the invasion of...

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