Weekly insight and thoughts from Fr. Damian Zuerlein
Pastor’s Letter 12.12.21
Dear Friends, Did you hear the amazing words in today’s first reading? It is the last line of a beautiful reading from the prophet Zephaniah: “The LORD, your God, is in your midst, a mighty savior; he will rejoice...
Pastor’s Letter 12.5.21
Dear Friends, December 6th is the feast of St. Nicholas. Do you know his story? Saint Nicholas lived between 260 and 343, born in Patara, a Lycian port town, an area that is part of present-day Turkey. He lost both of his parents as a young man and reportedly used his...
Pastor’s Letter 11.28.21
Dear Friends, I am ending our reading about the synod today – at least for now – after all, Advent has begun. However, before we leave the synod preparation materials, Pope Francis has several questions for you to be thinking about. Here he introduces the questions:...
Pastor’s Letter 11.21.21
Dear Friends, We continue our reflections and readings about the two-year Synod process that was begun last month. What follows are further reflections from the preparation documents to help us understand what the Synod is hoping for. Those of you who follow Church...
Pastor’s Letter 11.14.21
Dear Friends, Some of you may be asking, why is Pope Francis calling a Synod about the church as a whole? Certainly, Pope Francis has called Synods to discuss families or young people or the challenges in South America, but why do we need one for the whole Church to...
Pastor’s Letter 11.7.21
Dear Friends, As I mentioned last week, the Church has begun a Synodal process to listen, pray and decide together where the Spirit of God is leading the Church. Here is the statement about the process from our local Archdiocese: On March 7, 2021, Pope Francis...
Pastor’s Letter 10.31.21
Dear Friends, You may not be aware of it, but a historical step in the history of the church began this month. AND, Pope Francis wants you to be a part of it. Let me give you some information from the preparatory Vatican documents so you may have a better...
Pastor’s Letter 10.24.21
Dear Friends, Thanks so much for the wonderful work done by so many of you in preparing for and executing the Spaghetti Dinner last Sunday. Our attendance numbers were lower (as expected) because of Covid19, but we still did a huge amount of takeout dinners and had a...
Pastor’s letter 10.17.21
Dear Friends, Today we have our fall Spaghetti Dinner. I hope that you will take a little time and join us for a meal. Even better, I hope you take an hour or two and help us serve the food to our neighbors and friends who have come to join us for this great event....
Pastor’s Letter 10.10.21
Dear Friends, The Opening Prayer (Collect) for last week’s Masses had an interesting statement in it that has intrigued me all week. Here is the phrase, “pour out your mercy upon us to pardon what conscience dreads and to give what prayer does not dare to ask.” At...
Pastor’s Letter 10.3.21
Dear Friends, After all our preparation to engage a wider group in our Fireside Chat for The Chosen this fall, we failed to predict that our media producer would fall ill and be unable to be with us for a sustained period of time. So, we have put season two of The...
Pastor’s Letter 9.26.21
Dear Friends, All of our registered parishioners should have received the parish Annual Report in the mail this week. If you did not receive one, you may not be registered or we may have the wrong address for you. There are extra copies of the annual report at the...