Weekly insight and thoughts from Fr. Damian Zuerlein

Pastor’s Letter 6.27.21

Pastor’s Letter 6.27.21

Dear Friends, Last week, the Catholic Bishops of the United States generated quite a bit of press as they discussed something that would ordinarily seem to be quite mundane in the eyes of the world; they discussed whether or not to write a document about the...

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Pastor’s Letter 6.20.21

Pastor’s Letter 6.20.21

Dear Friends, I love watching young children interacting with their parents. It is often filled with loving, tender moments. Sadly, we do not remember those first few years of life.  Like everyone else, my memories are vague and fragmentary, faded snapshots that...

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Pastor’s Letter 6.13.21

Pastor’s Letter 6.13.21

Dear Friends, After a long and chilly springtime, summer is suddenly upon us! I have heard from many of you that summer vacation travels are beginning. Long trips are now planned after the absence of summer vacations last year due to the Covid pandemic. I pray that...

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Pastor’s Letter 6.6.21

Pastor’s Letter 6.6.21

Dear Friends, One of the tasks I ask those who come to me for spiritual direction to undertake is the keeping of a spiritual journal.  The journal is a tool for self-reflection that allows the directee to cooperate with the Holy Spirit to make sense of the...

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Pastor’s Letter 5.30.21

Pastor’s Letter 5.30.21

Dear Friends, At 10:00 am on June 6, 1981, I and four of my classmates walked into St. Cecilia’s Cathedral to be ordainedpriests for the Archdiocese of Omaha; forty years ago. Not sure where all those years went, but they went.One of my classmates, Fr. Owen Korte,...

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Pastor’s Letter 5.23.21

Pastor’s Letter 5.23.21

Dear Friends, This weekend, I am with a group of men from Cabrini on retreat at Cloisters on the Platte. We are keeping you in our prayers, please keep us in yours. Since I am not around, I will let Pope Francis speak to you this weekend in the letter about the...

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Pastor’s Letter 5.16.21

Pastor’s Letter 5.16.21

Dear Friends, In today’s gospel we hear a section of Jesus’ prayer for his disciples that he prayed the evening of the Last Supper. In that prayer, he also prays for us. Part of his prayer may be a bit difficult to understand. Listen to what Jesus prays, “They do not...

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Pastor’s Letter 5.9.21

Pastor’s Letter 5.9.21

Dear Friends, While it is so important to honor our mothers and to say thank you to them for all they have done for us, I have come to feel like this one-day-a-year event is either at best insufficient or at worst insulting. I look back at the cards and gifts I gave...

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Pastor’s Letter 5.2.21

Pastor’s Letter 5.2.21

Dear Friends, You probably know people who met online, got to know each other, fell in love and got married. It is not uncommon anymore that people meet through online services and get married. I have had a few of those weddings and those couples are very happy...

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Pastor’s Letter 4.25.21

Pastor’s Letter 4.25.21

Dear Friends, While I am preparing food in my kitchen, I like to listen to The Moth podcast. Are you familiar with The Moth Radio Hour on PBS? They are real stories told by real people. They are simply stories from their lives. Often times, the stories will move me to...

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Pastor’s Letter 4.18.21

Pastor’s Letter 4.18.21

Dear Friends, I was not surprised this past week by Governor Ricketts declining a federal request to house children in Nebraska who are refugees at the US border. Not surprised but disappointed and saddened.  He said, “Nebraska is declining their request because...

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Pastor’s Letter 4.11.21

Pastor’s Letter 4.11.21

Dear Friends, On this Divine Mercy Sunday, I would like to share with you some reflections from Pope Francis for this day: Last Sunday we celebrated the Lord’s resurrection; today we witness the resurrection of his disciple. It has already been a week, a week since...

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