Weekly insight and thoughts from Fr. Damian Zuerlein
Pastor’s Letter 12.8.24
Dear Friends, We begin week two of our Advent preparation for Christmas. Do you have any special family traditions to prepare for the celebration? Decorating? Foods? Looking for gifts? Reaching out to relatives? IMAGE Journal recently printed one of the letters J.R.R....
Pastor’s Letter 12.1.24
Dear Friends, I trust you had an enriching Thanksgiving with family and friends, that you gave thanks by eating and drinking too much. It is always an interesting way to say thank you to God – by consuming what he gives – in large quantities. Years ago, as a young...
Pastor’s Letter 11.24.24
Dear Friends, Welcome to the end of another church year. Today is the final Sunday, the Feast of Christ the King. Next Sunday, we begin a new liturgical year with the First Sunday of Advent. This new year is also a special year because every twenty-five years the...
Pastor’s Letter 11.17.24
Dear Friends, Since I was on retreat this past week and since the Pope wrote you a letter, I give you a bit more of Dilexit Nos: This profound core, present in every man and woman, is not that of the soul, but of the entire person in his or her unique psychosomatic...
Pastor’s Letter 11.10.24
Dear Friends, I am going to be on my annual retreat this week. I look forward to spending a week in silence to talk to and listen to God. Please know that I will be keeping you in my prayers this week, please keep me in yours. After the election, I suppose, you might...
Pastor’s Letter 11.3.24
Dear Friends, As the week of the election is upon us, may I make a philosophical observation from a platform that is a bit above the fray – in an attempt to explain reasons for the fray. One of the reasons for the increasing division among us is the rise of moral...
Pastor’s Letter 10.27.24
Dear Friends, Thanks to everyone who helped with the Fall Spaghetti Dinner. As always, people had a great time working together and welcoming guests from all over the city. I enjoy being one of the official schmoozers. Gives me a chance to connect with friends old and...
Pastor’s Letter 10.20.24
Dear Friends, As I write this letter, the election is two weeks away. Many of you are already voting by mail. When it comes to some of the ballot initiatives in the state of Nebraska, the Nebraska Catholic Conference has taken a clear stand and encourages you to...
Pastor’s Letter 10.13.24
Dear Friends, Our country is in the final days of the four-year election cycle. Besides choosing our representatives andnational leaders, we have several issues on the ballot this year which demand a choice from us. Theballot issues following the overturning of Roe v...
Pastor’s Letter 10.6.24
Dear Friends, October is always a busy time in parish life. We have the Annual Archbishop’s Appeal going on. The national and local elections are a few weeks away and as is common, there are a few ballot initiatives that have moral implications which need our...
Pastor’s Letter 9.29.24
Dear Friends, Today’s gospel has Jesus offering a teaching to his followers that may, at first hearing, seem to be a bit much. Jesus is reacting to some of his disciples not being happy about what other people were doing in the name of Jesus. Jesus tells them not to...
Pastor’s Letter 9.22.24
Dear Friends, Last Friday evening I had the opportunity to be at the premiere of the new documentary about Fr. Flanagan. It was created by the Father Flanagan League which is working for the canonization of Fr. Flanagan. The narrator for the documentary was Jonathan...