Weekly insight and thoughts from Fr. Damian Zuerlein

Pastor’s Letter 7.16.23

Pastor’s Letter 7.16.23

Dear Friends, I love summer in the Midwest. I love long days and warm sun on my face. I love the sunlight waking me up in the morning. I love a schedule that is not so rushed, where I can pause and enjoy the moment at hand. I suppose if I had the pleasures of this...

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Pastor’s Letter 7.9.23

Pastor’s Letter 7.9.23

Dear Friends, During a recent spiritual direction session with a young man, he said he was having a hard time hearing the voice of God and knowing what God wanted him to do. Part of the problem arises from the reality that he does not spend any time in quiet with God....

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Pastor’s Letter 7.2.23

Pastor’s Letter 7.2.23

Dear Friends, You might recall that our parish participated in the listening process for the World-Wide Synod to take place in Rome over the next two years. Our results were sent to the Chancery where the Archbishop’s staff compiled all the input from parishes sending...

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Pastor’s Letter 6.25.23

Pastor’s Letter 6.25.23

Dear Friends, One of the more amusing passages from the New Testament is in the twelfth chapter of the Acts of the Apostles.King Herod was persecuting Christians and had Peter put in prison. The night before his trial, God sends an angelto free Peter. He was sleeping...

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Pastor’s Letter 6.18.23

Pastor’s Letter 6.18.23

Dear Friends, My father died on May 12th, forty-five years ago. It was the Friday of Mother’s Day weekend and I was twenty-two, a seminarian, still learning about life. One of my sisters had married and was no longer at home but my other siblings were still there....

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Pastor’s Letter

Pastor’s Letter

Today we celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi (the Body of Christ). Today kicks off a year where parishes throughout the United States are devoting more time to the Eucharist to catechize parishioners, deepen our understanding, enkindle devotion and carry the presence of Jesus into the world.

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Pastor’s Letter 6.4.23

Pastor’s Letter 6.4.23

Dear Friends, I am in Colorado this weekend for the wedding of one of my nephews. I am missing out on the challenge of preaching about the Holy Trinity, trying to make it understandable. Perhaps it is a good weekend to be away! No explanation of the Trinity is going...

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Pastor’s Letter 5.28.23

Pastor’s Letter 5.28.23

Dear Friends, Our country celebrates Memorial Day this weekend and it always brings back to me memories of visits to cemeteries filled with fallen soldiers. I have visited Arlington Cemetery several times and watched the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the...

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Pastor’s Letter  5.21.23

Pastor’s Letter 5.21.23

Dear Friends, During this month of May when the Church encourages us to reflect on and give honor to Mary, I would like to draw your attention to Mary’s prayer. This prayer, the Magnificat, was prayed by Mary during her encounter with Elizabeth. She recently had a...

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Pastor’s Letter 5.14.23

Pastor’s Letter 5.14.23

Dear Friends, In celebration of Mother’s Day this weekend, I am repeating a pastor’s letter from six years ago. It included a reflection written by Susan Naatz, a friend of mine who works at Creighton University and where the reflection first appeared on their Daily...

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Pastor’s Letter 5.7.23

Pastor’s Letter 5.7.23

Dear Friends,  Some of your bold and courageous fellow parishioners have been willing to walk with me during this Easter season as we study St. Paul’s letter to the Romans. It is a challenging piece of sacred scripture, which is not easy to understand in your...

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Pastor’s Letter 4.30.23

Pastor’s Letter 4.30.23

Dear Friends, First of all, my deepest thanks to everyone who helped with the Spaghetti Dinner last Sunday. As always, it went very well thanks to all of you who helped with the many different tasks necessary to get the job done. The profits from the dinner go to All...

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