Dear Friends,
The Catholic Bishops of the United States recently began an effort to renew understanding and love of the Eucharist. They have recommended a three-year focus on the Eucharist to take place at diocesan and parish levels. In the Archdiocese of Omaha, because of all the work with the Journey of Faith and having parishes work together as families, there has not been a diocesan led focus on the Eucharist. However, starting with the Feast of Corpus Christ on June 11th, the Archdiocese would like every parish to highlight the Eucharist for the upcoming year. Our parish leadership is in the planning stages of how we will do that at Cabrini.
One parish focus at Cabrini has been monthly Eucharistic Exposition. We were doing this on Thursday evenings but attendance has never been great. In an attempt to increase the number of parishioners who might come and pray with the exposed Eucharist, we are changing the time to the third Saturday of the month from 3:30 to 4:30. The first opportunity will be next Saturday, February 18th.
“Eucharistic Adoration” refers to any prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament, outside of Mass, whether in front of a closed Tabernacle or in front of the exposed host in a monstrance. “Exposition” refers specifically to the situation of the exposed host in a monstrance. You may hear these terms used interchangeably. With exposition, the priest or deacon exposes the Eucharist on the altar in a monstrance, and parishioners are invited to pray to Jesus and praise him. During Eucharistic Exposition, it is appropriate to: read and reflect on readings from the Bible or other spiritual writings, pray the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet or any other favorite devotions, converse with God through spontaneous prayer or journaling, sit quietly and listen or just enjoy being in the presence of Christ. “Benediction” is a brief ceremony where at the close of exposition the community sings a few hymns and the priest or deacon blesses those attending with the Eucharist held in the monstrance. Benediction may or may not take place with each period of exposition. Exposition will take place on the third Saturday.
Adoration has been a traditional form of prayer in the Catholic Church since the 13th century. When I was a young person, Adoration was quite common in most Catholic parishes but just like at Cabrini attendance has dropped over the years. I am always delighted to see people praying at Cabrini during the day or evening. The church building is left open for just that purpose, so you can come here and pray. While our homes can be noisy, you can also come to Cabrini for a little time alone with God.
For whether we are aware of it or not, our souls long for their creator. We have a thirst that can only be truly quenched by our God. We have a longing and a desire for peace that can only be obtained through Jesus who is peace. If you find yourself in a place that is running short on peace and hope, I invite you to a journey to the Spirit who dwells within you! God longs for us to come and spend a few moments. Consider joining fellow parishioners for Eucharistic Exposition on the third Saturday’s at 3:30. Frankly, stop by anytime. God will be delighted with your visit.
Fr. Damian