The Sacrament of Reconciliation offers the opportunity for a person to receive forgiveness for sins they have committed and reconciliation with the community. God’s forgiveness has been offered through Jesus Christ and is extended to His Church by priests.
“God the Father has shown forth his mercy by reconciling the world to himself in Christ and by making peace for all things on earth and in heaven by the blood of Christ on the cross. The Son of God made flesh lived among people in order to free them from the slavery of sin and to call them out of darkness into his wonderful light…Jesus not only exhorted men to repentance so that they should abandon their sins and turn wholeheartedly to the Lord, but he also welcomed sinners and reconciled them with the Father…after his resurrection he sent the Holy Spirit upon the apostles empowering them to forgive or retain sins and sending them forth to all peoples preaching repentance and the forgiveness of sins in his name…when he gave to his apostles and their successors power to forgive sins, he instituted in his Church the sacrament of penance. Thus, the faithful who fall into sin after baptism may be reconciled with God and renewed in grace.” Rite of Penance
The parish offers Sacramental Reconciliation on Saturdays from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM.
Reconciliation Services are held seasonally in Advent and Lent and the sacrament is also available by appointment with a priest by calling the parish office at (402) 934-7706.

First Reconciliation (2nd Grade and older students)
Both the preparation for and the celebration of the sacraments at St. Frances Cabrini belong to the whole parish community. By this, it is understood that all members of the community have important contributions to make in supporting those in sacramental preparation. This approach also means that the active presence of the community is essential for sacramental celebration.
The sacraments are a gift from God to be shared for the benefit of the individual, the community, and the world. All participants involved in sacramental preparation are expected to be members of the parish and registered in All Saints Catholic School, Faith Formation classes, or be taught at home with the guidance of the Faith Formation office. Please call the school at (402) 346-5757 or parish office at (402) 934-7706 for registration information.
The Archdiocese of Omaha recommends that students be in the formation program for two years prior to receiving the sacraments. Preparation involves classroom instruction, parent meetings, and prayer celebrations. Active participation on the part of parents is a strong expectation of parish sacramental preparation programs.
Children who have completed their preparation and are fully ready, will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation in the winter, normally during the month of December.