In the Archdiocese of Omaha, Catholic women or men who have received the sacrament of Confirmation, are recommended by the pastor and have received training are mandated by the Archbishop to serve as lectors. Good reading skills, poise, and a strong voice are required. Lectors should be people of prayer who enjoy reading and studying the Bible and other Christian writings. A one-time instruction and mandation is offered by the Archdiocese. Lectors also attend a parish training session before being placed on the schedule. Most often, a lector ministers in our parish once a month. Contact the parish office at (402) 934-7706 if you are interested in serving in this ministry.
In the Archdiocese of Omaha, Catholic men or women, high school juniors or older, are recommended by the pastor to attend Archdiocesan training sessions and are mandated to serve as Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion (EMHC). Training sessions are held yearly. An EMHC is mandated by the Archbishop to serve in this archdiocese only. If you served in another diocese, you must be mandated in Omaha. At St. Frances Cabrini Parish, EMHC’s serve at weekday and weekend Masses, on Holy Days, weddings, funerals and at other parish Eucharistic celebrations. They also take communion to the sick and the homebound. Contact the parish office at (402) 934-7706 if you are interested in serving in this ministry.

Altar Servers
Boys and girls, fourth grade to high school, are welcome to be altar servers. Altar servers are scheduled to serve approximately three or four times a month for weekday school Masses and weekend Masses, on Holy Days, and other special parish liturgical celebrations. Contact the parish office at (402) 934-7706 if you are interested in serving in this ministry.
Hospitality Ministers
What is the ministry of hospitality?
The ministry of hospitality that we exercise at the Eucharist must be the liturgical enactment of the hospitality that permeates our daily living. Hospitality is not an add-on; for the Christian, it is the bottom line: “Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me’” (Mt 25:34-35).
Who can be a Hospitality Minister?
While hospitality is everyone’s ministry, Hospitality Ministers are trained to welcome both parishioners and visitors, making sure all who enter St. Frances Cabrini Church feel comfortable, safe, and welcome.
How do I sign up?
For more information or to join, contact Ann Lenz at amlenz@archomaha.org or the parish office at (402) 934-7706.

Liturgy Committee
This committee plans, creates, designs, and implements the various liturgical seasons and overall approach to liturgy for the parish. They also coordinate the physical elements in the sanctuary, including altar/ambo coverings, flowers, plants, candles, stands, banners, and other liturgical elements. The committee meets monthly throughout the year, but Christmas and Lent are the busiest liturgical seasons of the year. Contact the parish office at (402) 934-7706 if you are interested in serving in this ministry.
The Choir rehearses on Sundays at 10:00 AM prior to the 11:00 AM Mass and regularly sings at the 11:00 AM Sunday Mass. The choir also provides musical leadership for Holy Days, Triduum, Christmas, and other major parish celebrations. The choir sings 4-part literature and is open to anyone eighteen years of age or older with some previous choral experience.
Contact Mark Morello at (402) 659-3480 if you are interested.

Musicians and Singers
Are you a gifted musician that would like to share your talents?
We are interested in hearing from people skilled at piano, organ, and guitar, as well as vocalist to lead the congregation in musical prayer. Serving in a variety of capacities, this ministry ranges from accompanying larger choral ensembles to a single soloist at Mass.
Contact Ann Lenz amlenz@archomaha.org or call the parish office (402) 934-7706 if you are interested in helping.