Weekly insight and thoughts from Fr. Damian Zuerlein

Pastor’s Letter 1.10.21

Pastor’s Letter 1.10.21

Dear Friends, Much has already been said about the awful events of January 6th. I do not need to repeat those here. I could provide a litany of condemnation and prayers for our country from Catholic Bishops and other leaders, but you can probably find those quotes...

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Pastor’s Letter 1.3.21

Pastor’s Letter 1.3.21

Dear Friends, On a January day in 2007, the famed violin virtuoso, Joshua Bell, played for 45 minutes at the entrance to the L’Enfant Plaza Station of the subway line in Washington, D.C. He was part of an experiment put together by Washington Post writer Gene...

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Pastor’s Letter 12.27.20

Pastor’s Letter 12.27.20

Dear Friends, The Christmas season lasts until January 9th when we celebrate the baptism of Jesus. It’s a bit longer than the “12 days” which would take us to Epiphany on January 6th. I encourage you to continue the season, leave up your decorations and reflect on...

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Pastor’s Letter 12.20.20

Pastor’s Letter 12.20.20

Dear Friends, It was Christmas Eve of 1997. Guadalupe’s Parish Office was finishing up the last-minute details before the first of the Children’s Masses would begin. When the doorbell rang, I thought it was probably someone looking for the choir loft to be opened....

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Pastor’s Letter 12.13.20

Pastor’s Letter 12.13.20

Dear Friends, A part of the Advent celebration in a number of different places in the world is the feast of St. Lucy, December 13th. It is most especially celebrated in Italy and Scandinavia and…Omaha. Santa Lucia, or Saint Lucy, was persecuted for her faith around...

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Pastor’s Letter 12.6.20

Pastor’s Letter 12.6.20

Dear Friends, What does the Pope do when bishops, priests and lay Catholics stop coming to Rome to visit? What does he do when he gets caught up on all those delayed phone calls and emails? What does he do when he is finished with appointing bishops and cardinals? If...

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Pastor’s letter 11.29.20

Pastor’s letter 11.29.20

Dear Friends, We enter the Advent Season. A time of longing, a walking in darkness, a time filled with the hope of the return of our Savior, a time of quiet, long winter nights, a time when one little light can pierce the gloom… Are you familiar with Emily Dickinson’s...

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Pastor’s Letter 11.22.20

Pastor’s Letter 11.22.20

Dear Friends, Who would have thought when we spent Easter in a “covid-safe” mode that we would still be doing the same thing at Thanksgiving and Christmas? Our normal times of gathering with family and friends have been limited by a greater good to keep our loved ones...

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Pastor’s Letter 11.8.20

Pastor’s Letter 11.8.20

Dear Friends, This past week, our parish ministerial team was listening in on a church conference dealing with digitalmedia. One of the speakers expressed how essential it is that churches today speak with their membersabout the importance of a person’s core identity....

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Pastor’s Letter 11.1.20

Pastor’s Letter 11.1.20

Dear Friends, This Sunday, we celebrate the feast of All Saints and Monday, on the commemoration of All Souls, we pause to pray for our loved ones who have died. There may be a bit of God’s grace working in the timing of these two feasts arriving a few days before the...

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Pastor’s Letter 10.25.20

Pastor’s Letter 10.25.20

Dear Friends, Pope Francis makes headlines when he says things that surprise the public, yet he is constantly teachingus about things that truly matter in the lives of Christians. This week, at his Wednesday audience, hecontinued his teaching on prayer: “Today we will...

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